Creative Feedback SECTION 1: The Survey:Share your experience with No Jobs in the Arts! This short anonymous survey helps them improve their work with early-career creatives. Your feedback will help them to evaluate and evidence the impact of their work. Your anonymous data will be shared with our partners and funders. Please note: this survey has been designed for people who have featured or commissioned to be involved in a project run by No Jobs in the Arts.SECTION 2: About The Project:Overall, rate the No Jobs in the Arts project(s) you have been involved in out of 10.1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.What did you enjoy the most about the No Jobs in the Arts project(s) that you were involved in?What would you do to improve the No Jobs in the Arts project(s) that you were involved in?SECTION 3: About Your Creative SelfCONFIDENCE Confidence builds resilience, helping you bounce back from setbacks and chase opportunities. Confidence (before the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayConfidence (after the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.MOTIVATIONMotivation ignites the drive to overcome obstacles and keeps you moving towards your goals, even when facing challenges or criticism.Motivation (before the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayMotivation (after the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.DISCIPLINEDiscipline is your ability to maintain a regular practice schedule and meet deadlines, especially for commissioned work or exhibitions.Discipline (before the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayDiscipline (after the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.CURIOSITYCuriosity is your eagerness to learn, explore new styles, and experiment with different techniques and mediums.Curiosity (before the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayCuriosity (after the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.BUSINESS ACUMENBusiness Acumen is your understanding of how businesses operate and make decisions. It can encompass essential skills for creating opportunities, like financial literacy, marketing, project management, and networking.Business Acumen (before the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayBusiness Acumen (after the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.IMPOSTER SYNDROMEImposter syndrome is the feeling of doubt and insecurity that you aren't qualified or talented enough to be successful in your creative field.Imposter syndrome (before the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayImposter syndrome (after the project(s))1 (Very bad)2345678910 (Very good)Prefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.Did you see any improvements in any other skills not listed above, as a result of the No Jobs in the Arts project(s) that you were invovled in?SECTION 4: Statements of agreementThe No Jobs in the Arts project(s) I was involved in benifited my professional development.Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagreePrefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.No Jobs in the Arts provided all the support and resources required for me to complete the project(s) to the best of my ability.Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagreePrefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.The fee for the No Jobs in the Arts project(s) that I was invovled in was fair.Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagreePrefer not to sayPlease tell us more about your choice.SECTION 5: About YouWhat is your sex?MaleFemaleIntersexPrefer not to sayWhat is your gender?WomanManNon-BinaryIn another wayNot applicablePrefer not to sayNot knownIs your gender identity is different to your sex as registered at birth?YesNoPrefer not to sayWhat is your age?0-1920-3435-4950-6465-7475+Prefer Not To SayNot knownAre you disabled?D/deaf and/or disabled person, or have a long term health conditionNon-DisabledPrefer not to sayNot knownAre you Neurodivergent?YesNoPrefer not to sayWhat is your ethnicity?IndianPakistaniBangladeshiChineseAny other Asian backgroundBlack AfricanBlack CaribbeanAny other Black backgroundWhite & Black CaribbeanWhite & Black AfricanWhite & AsianAny other Mixed backgroundWhite BritishWhite IrishGypsy, Roma or Irish TravellerAny other White backgroundArabLatin AmericanAny other ethnic groupPrefer not to sayNot knownWhat is your sexual orientation?BisexualGay ManGay Woman / LesbianHeterosexual / StraightQueerIn another wayPrefer not to sayNot knownWhat is your socio-economic background?Modern Professional OccupationsClerical and Intermediate OccupationsSenior Managers and AdministratorsTechnical and Craft OccupationsSemi-Routine Manual and Service OccupationsRoutine Manual and Service OccupationsMiddle or Junior ManagersTraditional Professional OccupationsSelf employedShort Term UnemployedLong Term UnemployedRetiredNot applicableDon’t knowOtherPrefer not to saySECTION 6: AdditionalPlease share any other comments below.[ CLICK TO SUBMIT ]